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Fatigue and Low-Energy. What are the causes?

Fatigue and Low-Energy. What are the causes?

What are the symptoms when deficiency in one or more vitamin of the B complex occurs? 

All doctors have patients complaining about lack of energy, fatigue and exhaustion. But even after thorough examination, even routine laboratory tests, doctors have failed to give a satisfactory explanation for their symptoms. 

Without any other underlying diseases, the doctors may not link these symptoms with a lack of vitamins or other coenzymes and elements. 

Many researches have been conducted over the last 70 years in order to understand the biochemical processes of cellular energy production, and through them researchers have finally demonstrated the fundamental role of vitamins and other components, such as coenzymes and cofactors in these processes. Researchers have now recognized that a potential lack of these elements may affect the production of cellular energy, resulting in symptoms of fatigue and lack of energy

The process by which energy is converted to ATP is known as cell respiration.The main part of cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria, often referred to as the cell's power plants. 

Glucose is the preferred source of body energy for the production of ATP, however if necessary, other carbohydrates, fats and proteins can initially be metabolized to acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), then introduced into the Krebs cycle and oxidized to dioxide of coal and water. 

Transforming energy sources, such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins into cellular energy in the form of ATP, requires several micronutrients, coenzymes and cofactors of enzymatic reactions but other as structural components of mitochondrial enzymes and cytochromes but also as active Electron and proton vectors in the generation of ATP via the respiratory chain. 

Thiamine (vitamin B1), CoA (containing pantothenic acid, vitamin B5), flavin mononucleotides (FMN, derived from vitamin B2), adenine flavin dinucleotide (FAD derived from vitamin B2) and dinucleotide, Nicotinamide adenine (NAD is derived from nicotinamide) are involved in the Krebs cycle and in the respiratory chain complexes I and II.
Biotin, CoA and FAD are involved in the biosynthesis of heme, which is an essential part of cytochromes and important for the last part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The role of vitamins in energy metabolism continues to attract research interest.

Professor Depant and his colleagues confirmed the essential role of vitamins B6, B12 and B9 (folic acid) in supporting cycles in the mitochondrial transport of carbon by the regulation of mitochondrial enzymes. 

They also highlighted the key role of the B complex vitamins, in maintaining mitochondrial energy metabolism and how mitochondria in their role as cellular organelles are responsible for energy metabolism and are endangered by a deficiency of any vitamin B. 

B-complex vitamins are essential for mitochondrial function, and a lack of these vitamins can compromise a whole range of biochemical reactions required to convert food into energy.

Learn everything you need to know about Doctor's Formulas B complex formulations!

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