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New Iron Formula with Lactoferrin

New Iron Formula with Lactoferrin

Iron is critical for human beings

It is considered as a key cofactor for a wide variety of important cellular processes, such as:

  • oxygen transport,
  • cellular respiration,
  • Krebs cycle,
  • lipid metabolism,
  • gene regulation,
  • DNA synthesis.

The new iron formula LACTOFER IRON FORMULA contains, among others, iron and lactoferrin.

Lactoferrin is a protein from the transferrin family, which contributes to the transport and regulation of iron absorption at the cellular level. It also has the ability to control the levels of free iron in the blood by blocking it and thus preventing it from sticking to the various bacteria circulating in the body, stimulating their growth and reproduction.

The absorption of iron is facilitated by the presence of lactoferrin,

while vitamins C, B9 and B12 act synergistically for normal hemoglobin and hemoglobin formation.

The combination of lactoferrin with trace elements and vitamins, like those contained in the new Lactofer Iron Formula,

increases the defense of the body by supporting a healthy immune system.

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